1 hr Weekly Community Resume Reviews

Kevin Mosley

Want More Callbacks & Tech Interviews? Join Our Weekly 1-Hour Live Resume Review!

Are you struggling to land interviews, or feeling like your resume and portfolio aren’t standing out? Your resume is often the first impression you make on potential employers, so it’s essential to get it right! That’s why we’re offering Weekly 1-Hour Live Resume Reviews every Wednesday from 6 PM - 7 PM MST—designed to help you sharpen your resume and portfolio so you can get more callbacks and land those tech interviews.

What’s In It for You?

During this interactive session, you’ll receive instant, actionable feedback on your resume and portfolio that can make all the difference in catching an employer’s attention. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Live Resume Review: I’ll go over your resume in real time, highlighting what works well and identifying areas for improvement. You’ll learn how to effectively present your skills and experience to stand out in the crowded tech job market.

  • Portfolio Critique: If you have a portfolio website, I’ll review it and offer tips to enhance its design, usability, and content. A strong portfolio is key to showcasing your skills and work, so let’s make sure yours is making the impact it should!

  • Tailored Advice for the Tech Industry: We know what tech recruiters and hiring managers are looking for, from keywords and formatting tips to showcasing the right projects and skills. You’ll leave the session with a clearer understanding of how to make your resume tech-friendly.

  • Answers to Your Specific Questions: Got questions about how to format your resume, what to include, or how to present your experience? This is the perfect time to ask! You’ll get personalized feedback that addresses your unique concerns.

Why Attend?

  1. Stand Out in the Tech Job Market: The tech industry is competitive, and having a strong resume and portfolio can be the key to landing interviews. This session will give you the insight you need to tailor your resume for success.

  2. Instant Feedback for Immediate Improvement: Don’t wait for weeks to figure out why you aren’t getting callbacks—get real-time advice that you can implement right away. A few simple changes could make all the difference!

  3. Improve Your Portfolio: In today’s job market, employers want to see more than just your resume. A portfolio site that highlights your projects, skills, and achievements can help you make a powerful first impression.

  4. Learn What Recruiters Look For: We’ll provide insights into what tech recruiters and hiring managers are really looking for. You’ll discover how to position your experience, skills, and projects to align with what employers want to see.

Who Should Join?

This session is ideal for:

  • Aspiring Developers & Job Seekers: If you’re looking to break into tech, this review session will help you create a resume and portfolio that stand out to hiring managers.

  • Freelancers Looking for Clients: Freelancers need resumes and portfolios that speak directly to potential clients. We’ll show you how to present your work in a way that’s clear, concise, and client-focused.

  • Career Changers: Transitioning into tech? Learn how to highlight transferable skills and make your experience relevant to the roles you’re aiming for.

  • Experienced Developers Looking for an Edge: Even if you’ve been in the industry for a while, a resume refresh can help you land interviews for higher-level roles or new opportunities.

When & How to Join

We meet every Wednesday from 6 PM - 7 PM MST, so bring your resume and portfolio for a live, interactive review. You’ll leave with specific, actionable advice that you can implement immediately to increase your chances of landing more interviews.

Click HERE to register for this Wednesday's session and get your resume in front of more hiring managers!

Make Your Resume Work for You—Get Real-Time Feedback and Land More Interviews!

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