2hr Weekly Live Project Build

Kevin Mosley

Ready to Level Up? Join Our Advanced 2-Hour Weekly Coding Sessions!

Purchase the How to Transition Into the Tech Industry Course HERE for access:  - We will be building harder projects from https://www.frontendmentor.io/challenges?difficulty=2%2C3%2C4&type=free with just HTML/CSS & JS!!

If you’ve already got the basics of coding down and are ready to take on more challenging projects, you’re in the right place. Whether you're looking to refine your skills, build complex applications, or solve real-world problems, our Weekly 2-Hour Advanced Coding Sessions are designed for individuals who want to push the limits of their technical abilities.

What Makes This Different?

This isn’t your average beginner’s coding webinar. These 2-hour sessions are tailored for individuals with some coding experience who are looking to take on more demanding projects, collaborate with like-minded professionals, and solve problems that push their understanding of programming.

Here's what you’ll get:

  • Complex Real-World Projects: Tired of simple "to-do list" apps? Each week, we dive into challenging projects that require you to think critically and apply advanced coding techniques. From building fully functioning APIs to integrating third-party services, these projects mimic what you'd find in a real job.

  • Live Code Reviews and Feedback: You’ll get personalized, constructive feedback from expert developers. It’s not just about building projects—it’s about building them right.

  • Collaborative Problem Solving: We encourage collaboration! These sessions allow you to network and code alongside fellow developers who are serious about improving their craft. Share solutions, work through coding challenges together, and expand your thinking.

  • In-Depth Q&A Sessions: Our expert instructors are here to provide deeper insights and answer your toughest coding questions. This is your chance to get professional-level guidance on tackling complex problems.

Why Attend?

  1. Sharpen Your Skills: If you’re looking to challenge yourself and truly level up, these sessions are the perfect way to do it. You’ll learn more advanced coding patterns, best practices, and methods used by professional developers in the industry.

  2. Build Impressive Portfolio Projects: These aren’t basic projects—you’ll be building high-quality, robust applications that you can showcase in your portfolio. Employers and clients love seeing a diverse skill set, and the projects from these sessions will give you an edge.

  3. Stay Ahead in Tech: The tech landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and techniques. Our sessions focus on the modern tech stack and equip you with the knowledge you need to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced environment.

  4. Challenge Yourself Among Peers: If you thrive on working in a community of passionate, driven individuals, you’ll love these sessions. You’ll be surrounded by coders who are equally committed to pushing their boundaries and improving their craft.

Who Is This For?

Our advanced coding sessions are ideal for:

  • Developers with intermediate experience: If you’ve completed basic tutorials or have a couple of projects under your belt, but want to move on to more complex coding, this is for you.

  • Career changers with a technical background: If you’re transitioning into tech but already have a solid understanding of the basics, these projects will give you the extra boost you need to land more technical roles.

  • Freelancers and entrepreneurs: Need to build more sophisticated applications for clients? Want to enhance your coding skills to take on bigger projects? These sessions will provide the expertise and experience you need to get there.

What Do You Need to Join?

  • A Solid Foundation: You don’t need to be an expert, but you should have a good grasp of coding fundamentals. Familiarity with programming concepts, basic algorithms, and at least one programming language is required.

  • Commitment to Growth: These sessions are for coders who are serious about improving their skills and ready to take on real challenges.

  • A Passion for Problem Solving: If you love the thrill of figuring out how to solve complex issues through code, you’ll thrive in this environment.

Ready for the Next Challenge? Register Today!

We meet every Fridays at 6pm MST (9pm EST) for 2 hours of intense coding, problem-solving, and skill-building. Don’t miss this chance to advance your coding journey and connect with other driven developers.

Click HERE to save your spot for this week’s advanced project!

Are You Ready to Code Smarter, Faster, and Better? Let’s Get Started!

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